Detoxification Programs

If you are having issues with fatigue, sluggish elimination, skin problems, allergies, bloating, recurrent infections, you need to detox. Detoxing has been a part of the healing process for centuries. In cultures around the word, fasting and cleansing is a recommended periodically to maintain overall health. With the increase in chemicals in our environment and in our food, cleansing is an important part of staying healthy.

Detoxification is the metabolic process of removing unwanted lipid-soluble compounds from the body. These “unwanted” compounds can be environmental toxicants or excess hormones produced by the body. Detoxification reactions occur throughout the body, with the liver being the predominant detoxifying organ. The liver performs three steps or “phases” that have the ultimate goal of converting the toxin into an inert, water-soluble form for excretion. Then the intestines, kidney and skin can eliminate them.

Detoxification is best achieved by supporting the elimination of toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin and at the same time reducing the intake of foods that weaken the body, such as sugar (including artificial sugars), alcohol, caffeine and processed foods. A modified elimination diet eating fresh organic vegetables, fruits, and lean protein from organic sources is the best. Avoiding dairy, gluten, fatty meats and for some patients all grains is best.

There are many ways to detox. For some people detoxing may not be the best choice depending on your health. You should not detox if you are pregnant or nursing. If you are receiving treatment for a serious illness, only do a detox under the guidance of your physician. Don’t stop any essential medications during a detox. For some medications, it may be best to do a slow withdrawal before doing a detox.

If you have a medical condition that indicates that you have a problems with detoxification, doing a genetic detoxification test may be helpful to determine what nutrients need to be increased to help you before you do a detox. For people with chemical sensitivity or reactions to foods, you may have a genetic weakness in your detoxification pathways, which should be addressed before you try any detoxification program. Some genetic mutations such as the MTHFR (see more information on this in a separate page) , can impair detoxification and require more specific nutritional support. Also any intestinal infections with parasites, yeast or bacterial overgrowth should also be addressed before a detox. In other words, the body has to be healthy enough to be able to detoxify.

It is important during a detox to make sure to give your body some nutrients to help the liver, kidney and lymph systems work. It’s not just about fasting or just juicing. There are many different programs for detox. The best ones use a hypo-allergenic protein powder with nutrients that support the liver and kidneys with amino acids and herbal extracts such as milk thistle , curcumin and green tea.

The liver has two main pathways for detoxification: Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1 involves process called oxidation and is performed by cytochrome P 450 enzymes. This process is where enzymes and oxygen convert fat soluble toxins into a water soluble form to be eliminated. After phase 1 occurs, phase 2 must take place for complete elimination of the toxin. Phase 2 requires amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, bioflavonoids and B vitamins. Without these essential nutrients, the toxins can be stuck and not cleared, making the detoxification process ineffective. Methylation which is an important part of the detoxification process as well can be impaired by a genetic defect. That is why detoxifying with the right nutritional support is important.

During a detox drink plenty of water and exercise with doing yoga or brisk walking to stimulate circulation.

We have several different protocols for detoxing. Ask if one of the detoxification programs is right for you.