

Homeopathic medicine is considered one of the integrative therapies. It is very different than herbal medicine. Homeopathy specifically uses very small doses of plants, minerals and organic matter that is diluted in various carrier materials. They can be mixed in water, alcohol, calcium lactate (milk sugar), or creams. Some of the medicines used in homeopathy are quite toxic but in small doses are believed to be therapeutic.

The concept of homeopathy is the basis for our modern vaccinations. Homeopathy uses the Law of Similars. It is based on the pharmacologic law that small doses stimulate a system and large doses suppress a system. Our modern medicine is based on the latter. We use antibiotics and anti-inflammatories to stop disease processes. In homeopathy very small doses are used. The doses in homeopathic medicines are often so small that it is argued that there is no substance left. More recent research has shown that particles from the original substance remain in the carrier medium (see Dana Ullman’s review of the research at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dana-ullman/luc-montagnier-homeopathy-taken-seriously_b_814619.html.)

In 1997 the Lancet published a meta-analysis of 89 blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials. The authors concluded that the clinical effects of homeopathic medicines are not simply the results of placebo.

Homeopathy remains after over 200 years a viable tool for treating various injuries and diseases especially in children and patients who have sensitivity to medications. For more info go to Dana Ullman’s website www. Homeopathy.com